So, it's been a while. Welcome back. Past few months have been seriously busy, and honestly, finding time to write about mediocre topics is draining. Haven't really had anything to say, ya know?
BUT, I have recently gotten on the kick of health and natural ways to help your body. So, instead of complaining about who knows what, I've decided to share my experience and recommend different products and home remedies that work excellent, and are simple and easy to do at home.
1. OGX vitamin E shampoo and conditioner. Vitamin e is excellent for your hair, and the ingredients in OGX products are not as harsh on your hair. It costs about $6 at Walmart, and it smells awesome!

2. Stress Free Aromatherapy eucalyptus spearmint lotion. It comes in body scrub, pillow mist, bubble bath, body wash, body lotion, massage oil, and candle. This stuff is awesome, and all of their lotion is made with Shea butter and vitamin E. Depends on the sales, but usually this costs about $15. And its definitely worth it. BBW also does not test on animals. :)
3. Honest company sunscreen. If you're not familiar with the Honest company, they're all natural and environmentally friendly. You have to order online, and it can get pricey, but the products they have are absolutely great, especially for kids. Not harsh, won't cause irritation.
4. Banana boat self tanner. You won't see me in a tanning bed, but my skin is also so pasty that it would be nice to get a little color. This stuff works slowly, but you'll definitely see a difference in about a week. Be careful, though, if its not even it WILL streak and you'll look dusty. This stuff smells good and costs about $3.
5. Coconut oil. This stuff is amazing. You can use it for just about anything like moisturizer, you can make your own lip balm from it, you can eat it, cook with it, mix it with baking soda and have an all-natural whitening agent, etc. You can google uses, there are literally hundreds. Seriously, buy this stuff!
Speaking of coconut oil, here are a few of my favorite things to do with it. :)
Mix about a tablespoon of coconut oil with a tablespoon of raw honey, put it on your face and wash it off with a washcloth 15-20 minutes later. Great for blackheads! You can use it 2-3 times a day, it won't dry out your face.
Take a little scoop of it and rub it between your fingers to warm it up. Rub it n your face for about 30 seconds, the put a hot washcloth over your face for a few minutes to open your pores and let it sink it. Wipe it off with the washcloth. Do this before bed, it feels amazing.
Take 1/2 cup coconut oil mixed with 1/4 cup coffee, straight out of the can, mix it together and scrub it on cellulite. It wont get rid of totally of course, but the caffeine helps reduce the look of those little puckers in your skin. You can use it anywhere, also. It feels good on the skin, and its a lot better than those perfume-y scrubs at the store. I suggest doing it in the shower, it gets messy.
Take 1/2 tsp baking soda and 2 tablespoon coffee grounds (from the filter after making coffee) and scrub it anywhere you don't want hair. You need to do this everyday for a week before you see a difference. The stuff in coffee and baking soda does something to the follicles so hair won't grow. You can use it anywhere.
Take one part baking soda and two parts water and rub it in your face. Steam your face BEFORE putting the mixture on by putting your face over a bowl of hot water for about 15 minutes. Wipe the mixture off with a washcloth. Great for whiteheads.
Take 1/2 cup of coconut oil and rub it in dry hair. Go by layers and one inch strands from root to tip. Put extra on the tips if you have dry ends Wrap your hair in a hot towel and let the oil do its thing for 20-30 minutes. Shampoo regularly after, preferably using something not harsh like OGX vitamin E shampoo. ;)
Soak your feet in lavender and peppermint Epsom salt and warm water for 10-20 minutes. Rub your feet with coconut oil and put aloe socks on. Sprinkle some baking soda in the water for extra odor-elimination. It also helps with foot fungus if that's a concern.
Add a teaspoon of Epsom salt to your favorite face wash for some extra all-natural exfoliation. Feels fantastic right in the morning.
Take one tablespoon of unflavored gelatin and two tablespoons of milk and microwave it for 10-15 seconds. Put it on your face ASAP because the gelatin sets fast. Let it dry and peel it off. Its gross to peel off, and the gelatin smells, but its a cheap, homemade pore strip that makes your skin feel good.
Oh and of course, TAKE YOUR VITAMINS!
I like vitamins, can you tell??
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