1. “Everyone’s depressed.”
Okay, no. Everyone gets depressed, sometimes. Of course everyone feels awful after a bad day, its 100% normal. But, depression that is actually diagnosed is like any other illness of mental disorder that (requires) medication. For example, you wouldn't say that everyone has Alzheimer's because people forget things.
2. “Just look on the bright side! There are so many great things in your life!”
This is usually said by some well-intentioned person who has no idea how severe depression can get. Its like that person looks at you as if you look at life like one half of a plate is ice cream, and the other half mud; and thinks you are choosing to eat the mud. But, in reality, depression is like having a bratty little kid throw some more mud all over that plate and all in your face, and then they steal your ice cream. Basically, what I'm trying to say is that people with depression don't deliberately focus on the negative stuff, but when some kid throws mud in your face, it's hard to focus on that little bit of ice cream that's still on your plate.
3. “You don’t need to be on medication — it’s so over prescribed. Everyone’s on drugs these days.”
Okay, well, this isn't ADHD, (which is very over prescribed) it's depression. And many people who have been seen by very professional psychiatrists have been pulled out of holes by some medications. I bet you anything that you know some of those people, but you just don't know it.
4. “You won’t be able to do anything creative if you take medication. You’ll be a zombie.”
That is a common misconception about certain medications. Yes, common side effects are dizziness and fatigue, but that doesn't mean you'll look like a person (zombie) that just walked off the set of 28 Weeks later. I promise. And actually, medication can be helpful because it helps you block out all the mud from getting in your glasses. Some people are more focused and driven in work situations because of their medication.
5. “A lot of people have it so much worse.”
I hate this one the most. It's like if a person is saying they are hungry, and some bitchy-middle aged woman says to you, "There are starving children everywhere who die daily, so you couldn't possibly be that hungry."
Obviously, we know. Of course there are people who have it worse, but those people are not me. I have my own severe problems and deep down issues that I would like to focus on at the moment, not other peoples'. And to be honest, this makes people who are depressed feel so much worse. So thank you, random stranger, for making me feel like an ungrateful a-hole because my depression cannot possibly compare to your sisters, cousins, friends, brother's depression.
6. “Happiness is a choice.”
Notice how people with depression, regardless of their gender, income, age, political views, where they live, what football team they route for; deal with the same feelings? We don't enjoy wallowing in our own miserable lives and repetitive thoughts. We do not choose to be unhappy. Let me repeat. We. Do not. Choose. To be. Unhappy. Work with us here.
7. “Do you have PMS?”
Yes, because part of my internal organs flushing itself out of my body is the reason that my brain works the way it does. I hope your I.Q. is higher than your age.
8. “All you need to do is exercise more.”
Exercise releases endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people don't kill their husbands. We get it. But exercise won't cure depression by itself. Will exercise cure a person's diabetes alone? No? Thought so.
9. “You’re just being dramatic.”
*Throws self dramatically on the ground and starts rolling around*
And by the way, our issues aren't the, I'm being emo--looking dramatically out the window--with my headphones in--waiting for my husband to return from war--phase. It's more like the, I'm too tired to shower--why am I crying in Wal-Mart right now--why am I still living--kind of feeling.
10. "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger."
If I hit you with my KIA, will that make you stronger?
As well meant as this sounds, as far as depression goes, what doesn't 'kill you', tells you you're worthless, that you don't belong in a healthy relationship/working environment, and if you see someone enough it'll just go away eventually by itself.
*Sighs loudly, stomp away angrily*

Tab... ur an amazing writer.. i had no idea. I really should be doing house work right now as my kid takes a nap... but i think ill just continue reading ur blog. i love this. and its so true.. one think i hate is when someone tells me... just stop hating ur self... like its that easy... love ur blog tab :)
ReplyDeletehaha well thank you! I know how you feel about the housework too :P