1. Socialize as much as possible. Seriously, do it. For some reason, college friends will be closer than any high school friend. Everyone is trying to get to know each other, so making close friendships is much easier in college. Socializing is good because it helps you come out of your shell and have someone to go eat with, go shopping with, 'study' with, all that jazz.
2. Buy ear plugs. You'd have to go to an all-girl Catholic school to not hear people getting it on. Whether it is your roommate, your neighbor, or an overly-friendly girl down the hall; I guarantee you that you will hear a little somethin-somethin going down at some point. Plus, people are (almost always) obnoxiously loud late at night, so ear plugs will give you some peace at night.
3. Do your homework. Not just the gross 12-page essay on how Honey Boo Boo will change America, but the kind of homework you do to know where things are, and who people are. If you still don't get it, I mean always know who your teachers are, who the ladies in the business office are, and of course the super awesome tutors that are willing to help hopelessly confused freshman.
3. Write down every important thing. This means names, numbers, assignments, notes, everything. You never know when something will pop up and you don't have a phone number or a name to help you out. It's just common sense in general, but seriously... Write. Down. Everything. Important.
4. ALWAYS have a sober college friend that doesn't go out or drink that you can call if you need a ride. Seriously, DON'T DRINK AND DRIVE. I saw an accident right outside my window of some idiot totaling six cars, including his own. Do not, absolutely ever, never ever ever, drink and drive. (Torry Millette, I'm lookin at you. Call me if you need a ride! don't do anything stupid!)
5. Keep track of your money. Money is probably the most important thing you'll have in college. Do not spend it on stuff that you don't need. And especially do not choose clothes/makeup/alcohol/drugs over anything you need for school, ever. Because when you suddenly need another 85$ book for some class that doesn't even matter, no one will care if you spent your last dollar on those 'totally awesome earrings you saw at Claire's'. Especially the teacher. (P.S. always keep 20-40$ hidden away in a binder or a pair of undies you don't wear, just in case. Sh*t happens in college.)
6. Do not sleep around! There are things out there called sexually transmitted diseases, in case you didn't know. There are people from everywhere, you don't know what a person could have. Even if they know it or not. Seriously, I didn't sleep around in college, and I'm happy for it. For all the stories I've heard, I'm glad I actually stayed smart and didn't hump everything in sight. (And trust me, there are many people who WILL hump everything in sight.) Yea, everyone says sleeping around is what you do in college, but don't be that person who goes to a doctors office and finds out you have gonorrhea or who knows what else. Seriously, these things are not a joke. Be smart about your vagina.
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